What 10 teenage worries does HAT address?

HAT’s unique messages include helpful, evidence-based strategies addressing the ten biggest worries facing teenagers today. Both longitudinal and emerging research, involving tens of thousands of adolescents in Australia and internationally, has helped identify the issues that teenagers most worry about. HAT is designed to directly address these worries through a solution-focussed lens.

The 10 key issues of personal concern which HAT addresses are:

  1. My body: Body image, self-care, sleep, physical exercise, comparing self to others, acceptance, and more.
  2. My environment: Eco-anxiety, climate change, sustainability, renewable energy, impact on wildlife, habitability of our planet, and more.
  3. My family: Communicating with parents, relating to siblings, belonging, boundaries, changing relationships, support, and more.
  4. My friends; Friendship groups, maintaining friends, supporting one another, fitting in, coercive control, toxic friendships, and more.
  5. My future: Uncertainty, decision making, future planning, future proofing, independence, interdependence, help-seeking, and more,
  6. My health: Mental health issues, emotional regulation, managing stress, acceptance, self-talk, coping, overscheduling, and more.
  7. My identity: Self-awareness, self-acceptance, values, self-reflection, diversity, inclusivity, equality and more.
  8. My learning: Academic engagement, academic success, motivation, procrastination, perfectionism, and more.
  9. My safety: Physical safety, privacy, trust, security, risky behaviours, social anxiety, and more.
  10. My techology: Impact of social media, FOMO, technology addiction, self-control, cyber-bullying, and more.